machine design

A simple, portable bulk seed system for the farm

These days big growers can do all of their planting in 5 to 7 days which can make it hard to get seed to the farm at the exact moment it’s needed. Many growers also lack the proper storage space to take loads early and those who do can find their stock destroyed by mice or other pests.

A dual-compartment, completely sealed steel container, the Seedpod holds 400-900 units depending on seed size and can dispense two different soy or wheat varieties simultaneously via its flow-adjustable slide doors.

The SeedPod replaces 800 seed bags or 20 mini-bulk bags, all of which once empty will wind up in the landfill. The SeedPod can be filled at the grower’s or seed retailer’s convenience allowing for flexible delivery schedules during a busy spring. Also, an empty SeedPod can be moved with a dolly behind a three-quarter ton pickup.

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